Event box

Puzzle Swap (Main)

Puzzle Swap (Main) In-Person

Donate your gently used jigsaw puzzles and browse a collection of fun new puzzles to take home! Puzzles of all sizes for all ages are welcome.

No more than 5 puzzles per person/group if you are dropping off in advance. ONLY 1 puzzle if you are donating at the swap.

Donation policy:

  • Make sure your puzzle has all the pieces
  • Rubber band or tape the box so it won't fall open
  • Drop off puzzles at the Main Library Q&A desk Monday April 14 - Wednesday April 16
Thursday, April 17, 2025 Show more dates
2:30pm - 3:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Rossi Room
Main Library
  Social Event  

The City of Cambridge does not discriminate, including on the basis of disability. We may provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to people with disabilities. For more information contact us at library@cambridgema.gov, 617-349-4032 (voice), or via relay at 711. 

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